Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

The 1st September marked the first official day of Spring and that means another amazing New Zealand summer isn't far away. Most like to celebrate with Daffodils but for me, it means it's time to visit the beach. I've already made two trips for a walk and little splash in the still rather cold water. Some have already decided they are tough enough to go for a swim, but I'm sticking to the shore line until it reaches a more bearable temperature. 

This year is extra special for two reasons though - being a full time student at home means that I can visit at any time of the day and enjoy whatever time of the day is sunny. It also means I get to enjoy the beach without the mass of people on a weekend.

Pregnancy has been pretty good to me so far, but it's still not an easy job. It's full of constant 'new' and the biggest lesson I am currently learning is 'to become comfortable being uncomfortable.' Breathing in the salty ocean air always revitalises my body and mind, and therefore my little girl too.

I can't wait to take Aria for walks along the beach once she has arrived in our lives, just in time for summer! To see her discover the water that moves towards you and away from you. To discover that sand disappears out of her hands when she tries to pick it up. To see her reaction to the salty breeze against her face.


  1. Mmmmm, I love this time of the year too, and I love going to the beach as well. I've already seen people swimming in the sea down here in Whanganui ... I'm not quite that brave yet.

  2. i've always been a fan of you, your artwork, and your blog... but i think i'm going to become a little (or a lot..) baby-obsessed with your little one! wish i were closer so i could babysit. ;)

    also, i owe you a very, very overdue email. so sorry.. soon. i promise.
