I've made some pretty good progress with Alisa Burkes Watercolour Bliss class- read the first post here. I have always loved watercolours but having some direction and lessons has helped me immensely. Here are a few of my more recent experiments.

The two below were experiments about laying down backgrounds but continuing to think about colour. On top of that I drew a couple of shells that I am so happy with that I am thinking of turning them into prints. One thing I have realised- working with proper watercolour paper makes the whole process so much more enjoyable! I might treat myself to some more paper next month.

Lovely colours. I particular love the mandala. I always loved learning new tricks when it came to watercolours. The last time I touched watercolours was in my illustration class at Uni. We had an amazing tutor who won awards for his children's book illustrations and he taught up heaps of cool tricks. Have you played with salt and watercolour? Lay down a wash of dark blue, sprinkle with salt, dry, dust of salt. The salt absorbs dots of watercolour leaving behind a magical starry night sky.