Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Lifebook // Week 1

Happy New Year everyone!! 

I'm officially 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow and still no sign of our daughter making an entrance. Guess it's just too damn good where she is so I suppose I can't really blame her. I'm hoping she doesn't make us wait too much longer though; don't know how much more of this heat I can take being this big! 

To try and keep myself occupied during these final days I have been catching up with friends and working really hard on Week 1 of Lifebook 2014. It also happens that the office is much cooler than the rest of the house. I had been faffing around but finally finished it today and I am quite impressed with the result. I love being able to still surprise myself with what I am capable of!

When I drew her she had straight hair, like in Tam's example, but it really didn't fit my style so I changed it to a wave and I'm so glad I did. It totally changed the final piece and it represents me much more accurately.

The picture below was a really great warm up exercise to do before we started painting our 'artist guardian' (above).

I'm hoping to be MIA for a while soon so we can get used to life with a newborn and spend time together as a family. But who knows how much longer it might take for her to arrive. I'm certainly becoming more and more impatient to meet her =)

Rhiannon xx

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