The hardest part of sharing a series of photos is working out which ones to leave out. I took 146 photos of four different flowers in my garden today, using the DIY macro technique I wrote about here. Out of those, at least 69 are still on my computer and I was unsure if I had picked the 'best' ones. So instead of picking 'the best', I simply chose a cross section.
A lot of these images remind me of fractal geometry, which is of course found widely amongst nature. But it's harder to see when you're looking at a whole object.
Using this photography technique has opened a whole new world to me. A world of colour, shapes, symmetry and geometry. And is yet another reminder of how incredible and beautiful nature is.
Thosd are awesome! The purple ones are so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGosh, these colours are extraordinary!
just beautiful! i'm playing with the idea of creating an abstract piece based on the colors and shapes captured with this technique.. i love how unexpected something so seemingly ordinary can be.
ReplyDeleteThese make me happy. Love the yellow tones. Mmm!