Friday, March 23, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award - Bunny Eats Design

It hasn't been the best of weeks this week, but I won't go into that. Lets just say that when I found that Genie from over on Bunny Eats Design, had picked this blog to pass on the Versatile Blogger Award to, it totally made my week. Genie loves three things: bunnies, food and design. She has a gorgeous rabbit called Tofu who gets up to all sorts of adventures and makes friends with anyone. Whilst travelling as often as possible continues to feed her taste for new culinary adventures, and leads her to make so many tantalising recipes.

When given this award, bloggers are asked to do three things - link back to the blog that gave them the award, list seven things about themselves and finally, give the award to five others.

7 Things about me- 
  1. I am working towards owning one of each type of clothing in leopard print- shoes, trousers, tops, jackets, PJ's, underwear, etc. So far I am doing well !
  2. I love the latest re-make of My Little Pony
  3. I have bigger hands than most guys I know
  4. I collect electronics that are pink [my phone, laptop, ipod, point & shoot camera]
  5. I refuse to watch any movie that has anything to do with ghosts or daemons
  6. I totally think 8o's music is the best; rock on Billy Idol!!
  7. When I was in middle school, the school computers wouldn't recognise my name and would auto-correct to Rhinoceros (so embarrassing when I didn't notice the first time)

I nominate the following fellow incredible bloggers, should they choose to accept:

  1. Han Drawn - Hannah is an incredible woman with unbelievable talent for illustration who I'm lucky enough to work with every day. Seriously, go check her out. 
  2. My Peacetree - Ingrid is someone whose confidence and eagerness to live life to the fullest inspires me to no end. She has recently done a big blog redesign and it looks fantastic!
  3. Awkward & Beautiful - Natty is one of the reasons I began to get into art journaling. I am forever grateful for her tips and tutorials that got me started!
  4. (never)home maker - I absolutely love Ashley & Stephen (and now Ada too). They are my go-to bloggers for fast, healthy and affordable recipes as well as information and motivation about running. 
  5. Fahey Creations - Shannon is one dedicated man who has recently graduated with two Diplomas in animation. His blog follows his journey to become an amazing animator.
Rhiannon xxoxx

1 comment:

  1. ha ha, hadn't heard the Rhinoceros story before! Well done on the award. xx
