Friday, September 02, 2011

What does september bring?

Happy Friday to all!

I have so much to blog about but I will have to organise my thoughts into coherent sentences before I share, otherwise it will be one big indecipherable ramble. However who doesn't love a good list? So here is what I have planned for September:
  1. I am about to start working on resurrecting my Etsy shop and want to spend a lot of time focusing on this and getting everything prepared and ready. This is really incredibly exciting for me and something that I am going to put a lot of planning into but I hope it to be up and fully operational by September 30th.
  2. My Polaroid one-step camera and film arrived, as did my cute little wide angle toy camera. I can't wait to start using these and share my shots.
  3. I am starting to save for a new camera (Canon 600D + 18-135mm lens), online classes coming up, as well as other (more mundane) things and will be sharing ideas and plans on how to do this. I also discovered a great blog that is full of endless money saving inspiration.
  4. Continue using my treadmill, and share some running posts I have found to be really valuable.
  5. I’m a sponsor of the wonderful Freckled Nest blog for September, and will be donating a secret surprise for the big give away (stay tuned for more information)
  6. I gave 2D animation a go recently and was really impressed with my first scene. Since two of my closest friends are animation machines, and I work at a tertiary animation school, I figured it was time I gave it a go.
  7. Lots more art journal pages, trips outside, dates with my friends, exercise & fresh foods.
 love spring
Rhiannon xxx


  1. I'm just about to start resurrecting my shop, too (though I don't think it will be up and running by the end of the month) - exciting times! Best of luck with yours!

  2. YAY! I can't wait to see what you come up with for your amazing Etsy shop!

    I love LA so I also can't wait to see what happens there! Sounds like September is going to be an exciting month for you!
