Friday, August 12, 2011

Vignette Application [Android]

I have been trying out the the Vignette camera application on my android phone the last couple days, my main subject being the cats. They are both keeping me company during the day which is really nice, sometimes they are even posing for photos. I have only got the demo version at the moment which means any photo you take with it, is really small [which is why some photos below are quite small]. If you buy the full version [which I am about to] it offers a much higher resolution.

zeus sitting in the dresser drawer
spaz napping in my dresser drawer
i dropped the camera phone
sleepy spaz
cute zeus
trying out new filters
lemon curd filling in my cupcake

FFA is coming this afternoon

Rhiannon xxx


  1. such sweet kitties! i used to have a maine coon, too - he was such a wonderful cat! give them a scratch behind the ears for me!

  2. I think your only the second person I know to have had a Maine Coon cat :) They have such a lovely nature (ours is quite naughty as well though hehe). They both love a good cuddle and scratch :) xxx
