Monday, August 08, 2011

Link love

Happy Monday everyone,

You will have to excuse my absence recently; I have been sick (some awful combination of sinus headaches, flu and cold - blegh) for the last week and it got a whole lot worse on Friday so I haven't been up to doing anything (Friday Feature Aritst will be back next week). In the meantime here are a few neat blog posts I have come across the last couple weeks.
Once I'm feeling better I will be back with some new art journal pages I have been working on.

Rhiannon xxx

1 comment:

  1. i'm so, so impressed with moorea's organization! i'm such a mess when it comes to getting things in order.. and i adore carrrie's extensions! wish they weren't so expensive. :) thanks so much for sharing my art journal pages, too!

    feel better soon!
