Monday, September 20, 2010

positive monday

i found out today that i am above what i should be with my course hours. *yay* i have been trying really really hard to catch up from my small break and didn't even realise that i was getting up to date, let alone going past the minimum required. it feels like such a huge weight off my shoulders just to know that. i also found out that i am doing quite spreading my hours out evenly between my four majors which are: painting, drawing, photography, design.

i have been playing around with the canvas book and have used recycled canvas from some old paintings that i don't want anymore (i am very much out with the old and in the the new at the moment). i'm still not sure if i like what i have done so far so i am leaving it for a week or two as i need a set of fresh eyes to look at it.

in the mean time i am focusing more on the compulsary part of the course, specifically drawing. yesterday i watched a couple of hours of the dvd's, which i must admit, i have neglected. i was getting a bit bored of painting and needed to do something much less messy and a bit more precise and detailed. i did a bit of life drawing from the dvd yesterday which was really good. looking specifically on tone, shading, form, negative space etc. it made me really want to go to life drawing classes so i might look into that a bit more. its mainly a cost thing for me.

Blog love
today i wanted to share two blogs that i am totaly in love with. they are both done by the same amazing woman called kim smith. one is her everyday blog and the other is her new one that she has started recently for her illustration course. the thing that makes me love her blogs so much is the honesty and her determination and passion. it really is inspiring to follow someones blog who is living and beathing their passion. make sure you check them out both out:
kim smith does BA illustration
art equals happy

thats all for today - more pictures coming soon!
Rhiannon xxx

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