Monday, October 17, 2011

October Updates

The last week wasn’t the best week- in fact it was an absolutely awful week, hence my lack of posts. I have been so incredibly busy it only clicked toady that we have moved into October. It didn't take much longer to realise that 17 days have already passed, and Christmas decorations are starting to appear in shops. *eeeeep* I'm not ready for Christmas yet! 

House updates...
We were making some great progress with the whole house buying thing but then at the last minute everything fell through. In the end all my phone calls, back and forth between the lawyer and the mortgage broker was all a waste of time. So I am feeling absolutelydefeated at the moment. We have to start this whole process again, andthere are hardly any good properties on the market at the moment. I can see why people rank buying a house one of the most stressful times of your life (I can't even imagine what building a house would be like).

There were quite a few other things that happened last week but I don't want to dwell on them anymore than I already have; so lets move to some cool new updates.

On The Brighter Side...
A good friend at work has taken the Blogtoberfest challenge (blog once a day all of October) and asked if I would like to be a featured artist. Well, of course I would! Make sure you jump over and check out her post.

I also got around to photographing some journal pages I did a while ago:
forgiveblock colourbeautyalwys stay positive

Rhiannon xxx


  1. Oh what a shame. Mortgage stuff gets so overwhelming (not only have I done it twice, I'm in the middle of remortgaging right now) but I have no doubt it will all work out in the end and you'll get a place you love.

  2. so sorry to hear about the frustrations, dearest. it's been a hard time for me, too. big hugs - you'll get through. sending lots of good thoughts your way!

    also, your pages are gorgeous; i can definitely see bits of natty inspiration! all my love..

  3. Hi Sarah! That's what I am thinking; I guess this house was just not meant to be. It's really hard not to get attached once you find one that would be perfect. The (house)hunting continues :)

    Hi Ingrid! Thanks for the big hugs (I'm sending just as many back your way!) And I will be in touch with you soon to catch up xxx <3
