Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Inspired by Nature - Clifton Beach

One of my creative goals this year is to focus on finding my own inspiration instead of spending endless hours looking online. And where better to find inspiration than in nature. Here in New Zealand we are spoilt for choice- in Auckland (specifically), you only need to drive 30 mins one way and you have beaches; or drive 30 mins another way and your in mountains of native bush. I have taken it for granted for years, and it's all on my doorstep. So a few days ago I made a start towards this. Dan and I went for a night walk (it was 8.30pm but still daylight) along one of our local beaches and I snapped a few photos on my phone.

I hope these photos inspire you to create something of your own. And if you live near a beach, go visit it. Dig your toes into the sand, get your feet wet, collect shells- whatever it is you love to do at the beach, go and do it! You will feel better for it- I promise.

Clifton Beach Clifton Beach Clifton Beach Clifton Beach Clifton Beach Clifton Beach Clifton Beach

Inspired by Nature is another feature I am working on this year. It won't be a regular one, but I'm aiming for 1-2 post a month. My hope is to help both myself and others 'unplug' a bit more often and appreciate what there is in the world as well as using it as the primary source of inspiration for creative projects.

Rhiannon xxoxx

1 comment:

  1. Great resolution and a happy new year to you. Since I found Pinterest, I feel like an addict looking at other people's projects. To be fair though, I have been more motivated to do my own things after gathering inspiration and ideas from Pinterest. Some days you just have to ban yourself from browsing and start doing.
