Friday, December 09, 2011

My biggest achievement of 2011

One of the most terrifying goals I set myself for 2011 was to sit and pass my full car licence test. I had put it totally out of my mind until it hit me in September that I only had 4 months to cross this off the list. I was nervous; so nervous that even thinking about the test made my stomach turn. However I got to the beginning of September and told myself "I have GOT to do this. If I don't pass, nothing bad is going to happen to me or anyone else. It's just a test and I can always re-take it." I actually had to talk myself into even considering preparing for the test.

I finally made the decision to take a defensive driving class; I figured that I need to be taught to drive 'properly' so I feel confident when sitting the test. I have been driving for 3 years now but I have never had any lessons and I had developed some bad habits. The classes went over exactly what the testing officer was looking for, what you should say and how to react in tricky driving situations. It was so helpful and boosted my confidence ten-fold. So I booked my test... then the fear came back. It was a week from when I booked it until I sat it and during that time I managed to work myself into a nervous wreck.

Then the day of the test arrived. I had taken the day off work so I could go and practice in the testing area prior to my booking. I ended up arriving 45 minutes early and sat in the waiting room, feeling physically sick, and I tried my best to take deep breaths and calm down. Being this anxious during the test wasn't going to help me.

After what seemed like an eternity of reading trashy magazines, my testing officer arrived and turned out to be a really nice guy (I am so thankful for that). I did explain to him briefly that I suffer from anxiety but that was all. I wasn't about to ask him to take it into consideration when testing me, I just wanted him to be aware. After all I wanted to be able to pass this test on my driving, not my mental state!

After about 35 mins of driving in different speed zones, pointing out the hazards, doing countless left and right turns, he directed me back towards the testing station. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that he was filling in the temporary licence and I though to myself "Was that it? Have I passed?"

Once we had pulled up back at the station, he casually said to me whilst still filling out the licence "Well done, you have passed." I cannot express in words the feelings that came over me; how incredibly happy and overwhelmed I was. I don't think I managed to mutter anything other than a very surprised "thank you". He handed me my temporary licence and he left. I was so relieved, excited and PROUD of myself. Before I knew it, my eyes had watered up and I had a little happy-cry.

I had been stewing about this for months and now it was over. I did it, and I did it all by myself. It may seem silly to some to get so ridiculously worked up over something as small as a licence test but this was a huge step for me and one I am very proud of myself for achieving. I went and rewarded myself with a giant soy Mocha and an afternoon in the sun. I cannot wait to go on summer road trips with my friends (now that I can legaly drive them)

What have you achieved this year that you are so incredibly proud of yourself for doing?

Rhiannon xxx


  1. Yay! So proud of you for getting on with it and pushing through your fears! Lol, my turn next!

  2. congratulations, beautiful! it's such a magnificent feeling to overcome something you fear – to realize how much strength you really hold. as for me, i am incredibly proud of myself for reaching out for help when i needed it most. it seems a small thing, but has been something i've run away from for years.


  3. Yay! Well done! I STILL haven't found the courage to do driving lessons so I'm extra impressed!

  4. Thank you all for such kind words :) It is a great feeling!
    Ingrid: Reaching out for help is a HUGE step and I am so proud of you too! xxoxx
